ABSTRACT (the blog)
The weblog headed "Unité de Gisement" in french (Unity of Deposit) informs people connected with international law and petroleum and mineral substances of the publication of the book entitled in french
The book is published in Paris (France) by L'HARMATTAN, december 2004.
The complete title is L'UNITE DE GISEMENT. HYDROCARBURES ET AUTRES MATIERES MINERALES (The Unity of Deposit. Hydrocarbons and Other Mineral Substances).
ISBN Code is 2-7475-7435-0
First of all, this notice tries to fulfil a request to give as wide a publicity as possible to its contents and other non published works, in those circles of different countries which are likely to be interested in these scientific works on the subject.
It is a well-known fact that the unprecedent development of international delimitations with regard to economic considerations (creeping maritime jurisdictions, undetermined land boundaries) since the end of the second world war leads to questions as to their basis and calls for a thorough analysis of their scope within the framework of State territories and with reference to their fundamental principles in terms of theoretical and practical aspects of a State's territory and its limits.
To sum up, enclosed herewith is a set of materials, in french language and some english summaries, in the matter of cross-boundary petroleum and mineral fields on the ground of international law.
Besides, two versions of the same work (le projet Unité de Gisement and the volume L'Unité de Gisement) exist. One (the Original Manuscript of 1996, unfinished and unpublished) defends a Global Approach of the Idea of the Unity of Deposit and the Law in the matter ('a maxima' thesis) - nevertheless the work is stopped. The other (the Thesis of 1997, University of Paris/Paris 2; published 2004, L'Harmattan, Paris) says the Theory and its Law do not work [Avant-propos] and defends the 'a minima' option (parts of a law and guidelines).
16:00 Écrit par Jean Pierre Bouvet dans < Abstract > | Lien permanent | |
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