The basic material concept proposed in the study is "divided deposit" (gisement divisé) for the main feature such as mineral cross-boundary fields.
This concept specifically, and not an another well-known concept, is proposed in the study as a cross-legal concept established to deal with cross-legal situations, such as
- international law and international boundaries (independent states),
- international law but not international boundaries (federal states),
- neither international law nor international boundaries (private lands, such as in the United States of America).
This is done in order to add up mutatis mutandis internal law concepts to international law concepts.
It should be emphasized that the concept of divided deposit is distinguished in terms of criterias from current legal concepts based on the mental process of opposing "fluid" (liquid or gaseous) and "solid" substances, such as :
. recursos naturales compartidos (entre estados), yacimientos compartidos,
. shared natural resources (between states),
. gisement transfrontière, transboundary deposit,
. transboundary resources.
This is done in order to show that the unity of deposit concept does not deal only with economic considerations but has to do also with security considerations (protection of human life on mining sites).
13:25 Écrit par Jean Pierre Bouvet | Lien permanent | |
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